Zubari's Wonderland 

Who Am I? I'm glad you asked.

My full name is Mohammed Fareed Jassim Ebrahim Zubari(that's a mouth full)

I am currently a 12th grade student at Modern Knowledge Schools, graduating in 2013 and I have English class as taught by Mrs.Timm

This year has been a very interesting year for me when it comes to English class. I have improved in many things such as poetry, writing and vocabulary. My English class was very fun as it was a challenge but a very enjoyable one. The thought of writing a paragraph with twelve sentences within a time limit of ten minutes seemed like an impossible feat at first, but I managed to get used to it through time. In this class, I learned how important it is to make email messages look presentable so it would catch attention. We learned how to compare and contrast different versions of books and movies properly. We also learned how to get into a characters point of view, analyze their attitude and predict what they might do in certain situations. We also learned how to write poetry. This helped us improve our writing and creativity. We covered many kinds of poetry such as Anglo-Saxon and Shakespearean. We are assigned a vocabulary essay each week in which we use our Word of The Day words from to construct a full page 250 word essay. We read a novel called The Picture of Dorian Gray, and we learned how to compare and contrast different versions of the book. I learned many great things in Mrs.Timm's class, it shaped me up to be very good in English and increased my determination in writing essays and poetry. I enjoyed the class very much as it was certainly an exhilarating experience. 

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